Great Books – November 2018 Newsletter
Read the complete free issue of Access to Energy here: Access to Energy - 11-2018 - Great Books As… [more]

DANGER: RADIOACTIVE – Do Not Drink More than 63,000 Gallons of Water

USNAS Estimates DDT Saved 500 Milion Lives Before it was Banned
USNAS Estimates DDT Saved 500 Million Lives
Before it was Banned

The Politically Powerful Control Men with Their Emotions, Not Their Minds
The Politically Powerful Control Men
with Their Emotions, Not Their Minds

Model Building: Far More Important than Memorizing Facts and Procedures
Model Building: Far More Important than
Memorizing Facts and Procedures

Featured Articles

Access to Energy – 5 Volume Set
By Petr Beckmann and Arthur Robinson Access to Energy is a Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise monthly newsletter that discusses scientific issues that are of special importance to the public interest. The text is writen in laymans terms and also includes references to the scientific literature in support of the conclusions reached. Access to Energy was […]
Great Books – November 2018 Newsletter
Read the complete free issue of Access to Energy here: Access to Energy – 11-2018 – Great Books As a pathological reader, your editor reads all sorts of things. I cannot, however, read things of substance while falling asleep at night. They keep me awake. Lately, for nighttime literature, I am re-reading Louis L’Amour books that […]
Student “Loans”
by Art Robinson “The Student Loan Bubble: Gambling with America’s Future” by Addison Quale, published by the Peter Schiff organization, provides some statistics on student loans in the United States. Totaling more than $ 1.2 trillion, student loans now exceed credit card debt and are about 15% as much as mortgage debt. Between 2005 and […]
DANGER: RADIOACTIVE – Do Not Drink More than 63,000 Gallons of Water
Art Robinson | As for those 63,000 gallons, our readers know why they are safe. We don’t ask them to trust and parrot us, we ask them to think.
USNAS Estimates DDT Saved 500 Milion Lives Before it was Banned
Art Robinson | Somewhere on the Earth, on average every 12 seconds, a child dies of DDT-preventable malaria.
The Politically Powerful Control Men with Their Emotions, Not Their Minds
Art Robinson | Men who can think are tolerated, so long as they keep in their place and do not seek political power.
Model Building: Far More Important than Memorizing Facts and Procedures
Art Robinson | A good scientist requires an excellent model and a well-developed ability to, by thinking, organize new facts into useful models.
Comparing Models to Facts: An Acquired Skill
Art Robinson | If models are well chosen and the mind is skilled in the use and checking of its models, that person’s mind is well equipped to deal with both the opportunities and vicissitudes of life.